Minimum Requirements

Main Gradient

By adhering to these guidelines, you’ll ensure that the plugin operates optimally, providing you with the best user experience. We recommend following the conditions below for better results and making full use of all available features:

  • Ensure compatibility with your WordPress version: Our plugin is optimized for WordPress versions 6.0 and above. Using an outdated version of WordPress may lead to unexpected issues or performance drawbacks.

  • Upgrade PHP to version 8.0 or higher: To ensure smooth functionality and security, it is crucial to use PHP version 8.0 or higher on your server. This will help avoid compatibility issues and improve the plugin’s performance.

  • Use WooCommerce version 9.0 or higher: If you plan to integrate the plugin with WooCommerce for eCommerce functionality, ensure that your WooCommerce installation is up to date (version 9.0 or higher) to guarantee seamless integration.

  • Telegram Bot Setup: This plugin requires a Telegram Bot created via BotFather. Please ensure you have the necessary credentials (API key) to link your bot with the system for smooth user interaction.

  • Cloudflare Worker & Bot API: The plugin also leverages Cloudflare Workers and Bot APIs for optimal performance. Make sure your server configuration supports these technologies.


It’s always a good practice to periodically check for updates and review the documentation to stay informed about any new enhancements or changes.