Cloudflare Workers are a platform for enabling serverless functions to run as close as possible to the end user. In essence, the serverless code itself is ‘cached’ on the network, and runs when it receives the right type of request. Cloudflare Workers are written in JavaScript against the service workers API, meaning they can use all the functionality offered by service workers. They leverage the Chrome V8 engine for execution. Cloudflare Workers code is hosted in Cloudflare’s vast network of data centers around the world.
A world where your code operates closer to your users, a haven where latency is basically extinct, and where you don’t have to sell a kidney to afford your cloud expenses. Yes, my friends, that’s Cloudflare Workers for you — a Swiss Army knife for web developers, DevOps engineers, and anyone who’s ever yelled at a perpetually spinning wheel on their browser.
You might be thinking, “Okay, what exactly are Cloudflare Workers?” Fabulous question! Cloudflare Workers are serverless functions that enable you to run code directly on Cloudflare’s expansive global network. It’s like ‘Amazon Web Services’ got a makeover with Cloudflare fairy dust. Setting them up is a breeze, deployment is as easy as pie, and their scalability is off the charts.
The event that triggers serverless JavaScript to execute is an HTTP request. Developers can customize the kind of HTTP requests that their JavaScript functions respond to, and how the HTTP request will be altered or fulfilled.
This is a request sent via HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) from a client to a server. Browsers translate user actions, such as clicking on a hyperlink or submitting a form, into HTTP requests. The request is then sent on to the server, and the server sends an HTTP response to fulfill the request. An HTTP request also occurs when an application makes an API call.
A webhook is a lightweight, event-driven communication that automatically sends data between applications via HTTP. Triggered by specific events, webhooks automate communication between application programming interfaces (APIs) and can be used to activate workflows.
In simple terms, a webhook is a way to connect and communicate between different servers. When you set up a webhook for your bot in Telegram, you’re basically telling Telegram, “Instead of me asking every few seconds if there’s a new message, you just let me know directly.”
Now, a Cloudflare Worker acts as a middle station where you give its URL to Telegram. When a new message arrives, Telegram sends it directly to the Worker’s address. The Worker then receives the request, processes it, checks the message, prepares a response, or runs specific instructions set for it.
This way, the Telegram webhook connects directly to your Worker, so your main server doesn’t need to be involved, and all tasks can be handled right there on the Worker itself.