Run CDN (Optional)

Main Gradient

Cloudflare CDN is a service that makes your website faster and more secure. When someone opens your website, their request goes to the nearest Cloudflare server instead of directly to your main server. These servers are distributed across various locations worldwide, so they can deliver content to users faster since the data doesn’t have to travel as far.

This approach not only speeds up the website but also reduces the load on your main server and increases security. Cloudflare helps identify and block potential attacks and unwanted traffic from reaching your site.

Step 1: Sign Up or Log In to Cloudflare

  • Go to the Cloudflare website.
  • If you don’t have an account, sign up for free by clicking Sign Up and filling out the required information.
  • If you already have an account, log in.

Step 2: Add Your Site

  • Once logged in, click on Add a Site on your Cloudflare dashboard.
  • Enter your website’s domain name (e.g., and click Add Site.
  • Cloudflare will scan your DNS records. You’ll see a list of your current DNS records to verify.

Step 3: Select a Plan

  • Cloudflare will prompt you to choose a plan. If you want basic CDN features, select the Free plan. Paid plans offer more advanced features.
  • After selecting a plan, click Continue.

Step 4: Update Your Domain’s Nameservers

  • Cloudflare will provide you with two nameservers. These will replace your current domain’s nameservers.
  • Go to your domain registrar’s website (e.g., GoDaddy, Namecheap) and log in.
  • Find the settings for managing DNS or nameservers.
  • Replace the existing nameservers with the ones provided by Cloudflare.
  • Save your changes. Note: DNS updates may take several hours to fully propagate.

Step 5: Verify and Complete the Setup

  • Go back to the Cloudflare dashboard.
  • Cloudflare will check if your new nameservers are active. Once verified, your site will be active on Cloudflare’s CDN network.
  • You can now access additional settings, like enabling SSL, optimizing security, and fine-tuning performance options from the Cloudflare dashboard.