Global Meta & Functions for Points System

Main Gradient

These functions are used for managing the points, referral count, user level, and user experience in the Crown Points system. Each function serves a specific purpose and either retrieves or updates user meta data.

These functions can be used across your entire WordPress site

  1. crown_get_points_balance();This function retrieves the points balance for a user. If no user ID is provided, it defaults to the current logged-in user’s ID.

    Example usage:

    $points = crown_get_points_balance($user_id);
    echo 'User Points Balance: ' . $points;

  2. crown_get_referrals_count();This function retrieves the number of referrals for a user. If no user ID is provided, it defaults to the current logged-in user’s ID.

    Example usage:

    $referrals = crown_get_referrals_count($user_id);
    echo 'User Referrals Count: ' . $referrals;

    In this example, crown_get_referrals_count(); returns the number of referrals for the user with the given $user_id

  3. crown_get_user_level();This function retrieves the user level. If no user ID is provided, it defaults to the current logged-in user’s ID.

    Example usage:

    $user_level = crown_get_user_level($user_id);
    echo 'User Level: ' . $user_level;

    In this example, crown_get_user_level(); returns the level of the user with the given $user_id

  4. crown_update_points();

    Example usage:

    // To add points
    crown_update_points(10, $user_id, 'plus');

    // To subtract points
    crown_update_points(5, $user_id, 'minus');

    In these examples, crown_update_points(); updates the points balance of the user with the given $user_id based on the amount and operation plus or minus

  5. crown_update_experience();This function updates a user’s experience. You provide the amount of experience to be added and the user ID.

    Example usage:

    crown_update_experience(20, $user_id);

    In this example, crown_update_experience(); adds 20 experience points to the user with the given $user_id