What is Cloudflare?

Main Gradient

Cloudflare is one of the free & biggest networks operating on the Internet. People use it for the purposes of increasing the security and performance of their web apps and services. Cloudflare is used by more than 26 million sites, resulting in processing more than 1 billion IP-addresses each day.

There are a lot of services Cloudflare offers, including the following:

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Caching possibilities
  • DDoS-protection
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  • Analytics
  • Workers (We need this to run Crown in telegram bot)

Beside their services Cloudflare has standard integration with well-known platforms such as IBM Cloud, WordPress, Google Cloud, Magento and Kubernates.

In order to understand how Cloudflare works, it is necessary to look at the frequently made mistakes that websites in the past made. When visiting a website without Cloudflare, the website visitor requests content from a server. However, when there were too many visitors on the server at the same time, the server got overloaded with the consequences of a slow or non-working website. As the owner of the website this is not something you would like to see. This is why Cloudflare invented a solution for this!

Cloudflare placed their own server, in the form of an enormous worldwide network, between the website and web server. Website visitors don’t communicate directly with the server anymore, but with the Cloudflare network which already has stored the website content and loads this via a server depending on the location of the visitor.

The CDN of Cloudflare offers even more advantages. There is a built-in caching module. This caching module ensures that not every visited page has to be loaded again by the server.


Cloudflare protects you against DDoS attacks, has an extremely fast DNS-service and extensive caching possibilities. Cloudflare is secure, extremely stable, ensures a better performance of your web application and it is not expensive or even free.